MicroAI AtomML™#

MicroAI AtomML™ is an Edge-native AI that uses data from internal device sensors to detect and act upon abnormal behaviour.

Unlike traditional AI-driven asset management solutions that rely on the cloud, MicroAI AtomML™ is deployed directly onto smart devices and sensors bringing big infrastructure intelligence to a single board.

MicroAI AtomML™ does the following:

  • Operates within the small environment of memory-constrained devices such as MCUs.

  • Provides a more efficient method for asset analytics and real-time alerting

  • Optimizes asset performance while simultaneously enhancing security oversight

AtomML™ can be added to a dedicated device or onto a pre-existing device used to control a system.

FLEXIBILITY & SCALABILITY: MicroAI AtomML™ can be embedded on a single asset or scaled across an entire asset ecosystem for creating a network of intelligence.

COST: MicroAI AtomML™ allows for machine learning model training and processing to take place directly on MCUs. This allows for deployments on existing hardware - no need for costly new hardware.

SPEED & AGILITY: By processing data locally, MicroAI AtomML™ Atom allows for rapid data sampling rates to understand the performance and behavior of assets without the need to transmit raw data out for model training or data processing.

INTELLIGENCE AT THE SOURCE: MicroAI AtomML™ can be embedded on a single asset or scaled across an entire asset ecosystem for creating a network of intelligence.

MicroAI AtomML™ Demo#